
Photo Credit - St James City Farm

The definition of a city farm is a ‘community run farm and garden that improves community relationships and offers an awareness of agriculture and farming to people in urbanised areas’. That is certainly one way of looking at St James City Farm in the heart of Barton and Tredworth, but it is so, so much more than that.

The Friendship Cafe

Run as a community project by The Friendship Café, itself a fantastic hub of support and activities for the local community, the farm and garden is a gateway for the tremendous talent in the city to access training, employment and leisure opportunities found in the countryside surrounding our vibrant city, but that are sometimes difficult for people to access.

It’s also a place for people to come together and enjoy the peace, to get their hands dirty by doing a bit of gardening, or just to sit and enjoy a green space in a busy city. In a world where cities cover only 2% of the Earth's surface, but consume 75% of its resources, these little green lungs provide an oasis of calm and a way for communities to connect using the natural world as a bond.

St James’City farm and community garden use the space to run workshops, Rachel, the allotment manager says “We create friendly and open environments where the participants can come together to work as a team but still develop their interests. So for example alongside the fruit and veg we have had woodworking to build benches, decorative arts and craft, landscaping and they have even built a pizza oven for lunches. It’s important that the group knows that the space belongs to everyone and that they all have a say in how the spaces takes shape”

This weekend the pizza oven will be put to good use by local events kitchen Naked Tartufi and local business Herbal Hive. They are running a fundraising pop-up pizza event at the community garden, cooking handmade pizzas on the wood fired pizza oven nestled into one corner of the beautiful little garden.

Pizza oven

‘We are raising money for displaced persons in Afghanistan, 100% of the money we raise will be donated to buy food parcels for those recently affected.’

So come along and buy a pizza, enjoy an artisan herbal drink from Herbal Hive, and look around the community garden and see just how big the heart of this little green space is.

Pizza collection from 12.30 onwards, Saturday 6th November, St James City Farm, GL1 4NG




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