Christmas shoppers can now enjoy free parking every Thursday until Christmas at both the Kings Walk and Eastgate Shopping Centre car parks.

Gloucester Business Improvement District (BID) and Gloucester City Council are funding the festive offer, which will see shoppers park for free all day every Thursday throughout December.

The two car parks have over 600 spaces between them, and the free Thursday parking will allow shoppers to not feel rushed and to enjoy the late-night shopping on Thursdays too.

In addition, as part of the council’s support for Small Business Saturday, it will be offering free parking on Saturday, December 4 at Westgate Street, Station Road and Hare Lane North.  

The announcement comes after Gloucester was recently named as being among the top 10 best places for accessible parking in a national survey.

Gloucester BID and Gloucester City Council are both encouraging people to shop local this Christmas and support the huge range of fantastic independent businesses in the city with great gifts, knowledge and expertise on offer, as well as plenty of fantastic restaurants, bars and cafes to help Christmas shoppers refuel.

Shoppers are reminded to shop safely and wear masks unless they are exempt. They are also advised to regularly wash their hands and, if this is not possible, to use hand sanitiser to help keep themselves and their families safe.

Councillor Hannah Norman, cabinet member for Performance and Resources at Gloucester City Council, said: “We want to do all we can to help city centre businesses, and we hope this initiative will encourage people to come into the city and support local retailers and independents who rely on their custom.” 

Libby Austen-Foley, co-owner and manager of Idun Spirit, said: “We’re so pleased Gloucester Council have approved free Thursday parking again for December it made a huge difference to footfall last year let’s hope it does the same again this year, massive thank you to Gloucester BiD for getting behind the local businesses again.”

Shoppers are reminded to check car parking closing times. Cars should not be left overnight.




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