Hundred Heroines is the only UK-based charity dedicated to promoting women in photography.

In 2020, Hundred Heroines moved to the heart of Gloucester on a mission to inspire the public with work from leading women photographers.

Since moving into Jolt Studios, we have launched our first public engagement project and our first studio take-over!

Glostorama! Photographing Gloucester, street by street is a community art initiative to photograph every street in Gloucester, to create a living archive of the city in the 2020s. We’ve run community photo walks and hosted leading women photographers to share their practice as inspiration. So far, hundreds of photographs have been submitted and we can’t wait to see the final collection! There’s still time to get involved.

Our first studio take-over at Jolt includes the immersive work of contemporary photographer Mónica Alcázar-Duarte. Mónica invites viewers to question space politics and colonisation while reflecting on our past on Earth. Book your visit today and wonder whether you’d take a one-way ticket to Mars…

Our goal at Hundred Heroines is to make high-quality art more accessible to everyone and to make sure that more women see themselves represented in the art world.

With your help, we can create more public exhibitions, more public engagement projects, and run more free courses and hands-on workshops to encourage creative communities.  If you’re interested in volunteering for us, drop us a line:

Our Story

In 2018, we celebrated the 100 year anniversary of some women getting the vote in the UK by highlighting the work of 100 world-class photographers. We call them our Heroines.

Since then, we have hosted photographer talks, online and offline exhibitions, open calls, and created a Historical Heroine archive celebrating the work of pioneering women photographers from the 19th and 20th Century. Over the last 4 years, we have even expanded our cohort of Heroines to contain 200 impressive women visual artists. 

We believe in representing diverse ways of seeing; for too long women's perspectives have been minimised, forgotten or ignored - we're here to set the record straight.




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