
  • Cathedral Front credit Gloucester Cathedral

    Christmas at Gloucester Cathedral

    ‘Carols on the Hour’ is back, along with a much sought-after opportunity to experience Gloucester Cathedral’s Christmas lights and decorations after dark. 

  • Gloucester Guildhall Gallery

    Dockyards, Demos and New Directions at Gloucester Guildhall

    From Friday 3 December, and throughout December, Gloucester Guildhall is pleased to be showcasing pivotal moments of social and political change as recorded in the film archives, and in the lived experiences of our city’s residents.

  • Robinswood Hill credit-GWT-&-Nick-Turner

    National Tree Week in Gloucester

    To celebrate National Tree Week, here’s a list of some of the places that you can go to enjoy the trees in Gloucester.

  • Gloucester Guildhall Gallery

    Cinema at Gloucester Guildhall

    Take a look at the highlights of Gloucester Guildhall's film programme for December in this guest blog by Simon Nicholls, Film Programmer at Gloucester Guildhall, as well as gaining an insight into Simon's passion for cinema.